With temperatures rising steadily from April through October, efficient air conditioning services are vital to family health and happiness in Texas. As heat waves impose heavy burdens on appliances struggling right around the clock, farsighted householders keep a licensed and insured HVAC contractor on speed dial.
Cutting down on AC repairs
Just a few simple steps can keep cooling systems running smoothly without costly AC repairs. Here are a few hints on how to extend the working life of air conditioning units, saving money and hassle:
Ensure clear airflows through clean vents that are not blocked by fabric or furniture;
- clean air conditioning units regularly by brushing or hosing away dirt and garden debris from delicate fins;
- change the filters every few months, to avoid overburdened cooling systems with higher air pressures;
- get tune-ups twice a year, to prevent problems and avoid expensive repairs;
- clean dust, dander and dirt from air ducts, where mold, germs, bacteria and viruses thrive.
- check for loose doors and windows that let cooled air escape, forcing overworked equipment to consume more energy with less comfort.
Winter Bonus: all these easy steps lessen the likelihood of needing emergency heater services during cold snaps.
When it’s time for a new AC installation
The average working life of a cooling unit is anywhere between fifteen to twenty years. So when equipment is more than ten years old and an AC repair is quoted at over half the price of a new unit, smart owners opt for replacement, with the AC installation handled by a licensed contractor.
Your family deserves top quality AC services and heater services in Spring, TX
Solving HVAC problems for two decades, Crossway Mechanical is focused on keeping families safe and comfortable in Spring, TX and surrounding areas. On call 24/7 for emergencies, our well-trained technicians are always ready to handle air conditioning in Spring, TX and heater services whenever needed. Day or night, we’re waiting to help you at (832) 501-3568!